Monday, August 3, 2009

Level 1?

Rungeek is now a Level 1 Crossfit dork. Dude, I'm like, level 18. You have a long way to go to even carry Mattor's massive jock.

Monkey Minions

Rise, rise up my monkey minions and claim the Earth as your own.

Friday, July 31, 2009


So, Rungeek thinks District 9 will be a good movie. Sorry, any movie that moralizes over whether you should take advantage of scum bag aliens will be disappointing (and we already had that anyway). I have exterminated the last 5 aliens races I came across and it brought us:
  • microchips
  • velcro
  • teflon
  • zip lock bags
  • nova missiles (well, I'm not giving that one away)
  • salsa
So, we're all in this together (unless you're ready to give up salsa in zip lock bags).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Will Read Crazy Emails

I was going to make fun of this post over at Will's blog, but damn those emails are funny. I really like the bit about chasing around puppies while banging pots together.

One of these days, the moon

Rungeek still doesn't get's a sound stage, man, a sound stage.

Mongolian Death Worms

I keep a couple of these around as pets.

I feed them puppies.

They actually don't make good pets.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chinese Noodles in Barbados

You know what the hardest part of ragging on The Nude Hypo is? Having to wade through those marathon posts. Why can't you be concise like Will? He can barely break 20 words. Ok. Chinese characters. Another scintillating soon as I rip myself away from reading mommy blogs I'll start the rag-fest.

Ok, I'm back.

First off, you're not allowed to buy an iPhone. We all voted and feel that it would make all of us iPhone owners less cool if you joined the club. Why don't you by a Pre instead?

Next, DeFrancis was crazy. The dude ate paste.

Next, who would even want to spell Barbados....except for pirates, but all the pirates were killed by ninjas (suck it Rungeek), so no one wants to spell Barbados.

And finally, if you are going to use words like morphemes and phrases like semantic disambiguation, then you should really link to a dictionary.